Sunday, March 31, 2013

Yoga of death and rebirth

This time of year marks a newness and death. Spring is open to the possibilities of excitement, of new growth: in the earth, and in personal transformation. In yoga we do poses that allow the body and mind to release, By engaging in these poses we engage in the possibilities of
freedom of control, freedom of acceptance, and the freedom that comes from devotion.

I begin my morning practice with yoga for the body, but the body is not separated from the mind and spirit. I have been reading the book, "How Yoga Works", thanks Laurie. Reading this book, I
have been inspired and transformed by understanding the connection of our breathe and by how we are in the world effects us mind, body and spirit.

This time of year, SPRING, take time to see what needs to let-go of, the death of what you are READY to let to of, and what you need to encourage to grow.
What are you excited to see make happen!

Suggested ritual: Take some time this week, doesn't have to be long it's all up to you. Write down what you are so willing to let-go of, you can't wait for it to be released. It doesn't have to be long, write as many as you are READY to let-go of, remember this is just for you. Release your letting go list into some fire. ( in a fire safe place)To plant what you want to encourage to grow again write up a list of what of what you are READY to grow and plant it's the grown with some seeds from your garden supply

Thursday, March 28, 2013

My journey of experiencing yoga in my daily life

  As in life, yoga is a journey.  I started this journey 17 years ago.  This journey has had places of much resistance and places of bliss.   This  journey began with the idea yoga was about the stretch, the flexibility, the poses.   My yoga has come into it's own. . . . As I have.

  Today, my yoga is much more than doing this or that pose, it's about  life, living with gratitude,  integrity , and finding the balance with the harmony of sacredness.  I  started this blog to share  my journey and to bring reader of it to appreciate the flow of yoga through the simple process of living life, of acceptance  of life as it is. I hope that you enjoy this journey and I thank you for taking the time to share it with me.